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People tech

People tech

Sensing the opportunities that exist in the technology space in Nigeria, Omagbitse has built several unique solutions that combine his passion for technology with his background and practice ion organizational development and strategy. His flagship product – The EPaperVendor was inspired by the Knowledge Management repository at EBSCOHOST and reading the digital version of his favourite magazine – Harvard Business Review. Today, the EPaperVendor at www.epapervendor.com is the largest provider of digital newspaper solutions in Nigeria.

After the initial success with the EPaperVendor, Omagbitse has led the team of professionals at LIM Technologies to develop other PeopleTech solutions including the PTracker (a strategy dashboard); the LD Planner (a Competency Planning App); Leader 360; Traffic Lights 360 (a Suite of 360 Leadership Evaluation/Feedback Solutions) and the HR Meter (a HR Metrics Dashboard). He also created www.onlineefiko.com which is set to become the largest indigenous repository of eLearning on the African continent.

Omagbitse continues to identify new opportunities for building new technology solutions to support organizations in strengthening their systems and building their people. He is available to work with your organization to identify some of your pressing needs for automation and process enhancement and support you with his unique people tech solutions.